The number one reason employees are dissatisfied or leave their jobs is workplace relationship struggles, especially with their direct supervisor or team leader – followed by a lack of communication, trust, appreciation, and fair treatment. The True Colors® methodology has helped millions of people find personal success and dramatically improve their interpersonal relationships in these areas and beyond. 

TRUE COLORS is an easily understood model of personality identification for people of all ages that improves engagement, communication and teamwork through recognition of a person’s true character.  Utilizing the colors of orange, green, blue and gold to differentiate four basic personality types, True Colors becomes an uncomplicated language for every individual to convey complex ideas very simply. 

TRUE COLORS provides strategies to:

  • Enhance self-awareness
  • Enhance self-esteem
  • Improve morale and environment
  • Improve mutual understanding
  • Improve communication
  • Improve cooperation, harmony and unity
  • Improve team and personal performance

True Colors® has a forty-year track record of success with companies like Amazon, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Disney, ESPN, Google, Mercedes Benz, Nestle, Sheraton, and thousands of schools, hospitals, and government agencies, who have used it to build teamwork, improve communication and enhance customer relations.

A TRUE COLORS workshop provides:

  • Increased understanding of self and others
  • Expanded appreciation for valuing differences
  • Communication skill-building
  • Avenues for a more harmonious, productive environment
  • Easy integration into existing organization framework and previous programs
  • A universal language that accelerates problem-solving, increases trust, and reduces conflict

For more information or to schedule a workshop by nationally certified True Colors® Facilitator Sue Rollins please call 613-969-8874.

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